Applications pour les pompes de diagnostic In Vitro – IVD

juin 2, 2022

What is an In-Vitro Diagnostics Device?

In-vitro diagnostics (IVD) is the analysis of medical samples, such as blood, tissues, or urine, taken from patients and analyzed outside the body. OEM clinical laboratory instruments use automated fluid delivery and extraction systems to manage sampling and analysis accurately. Diener pumps are at the heart of these systems, working in multiple positions to accurately deliver flows for the life of the instrument.




Drop of fluid on the needle

Disinfection of probes and needles between samplings ensures accurate results. The probes can be dipped into disinfectant and rinsed or cleaned internally using high-pressure fluid. Diener have a solution for both.

In the dipping method, Diener precision metering pumps fill and extract cleaning solutions from disinfectant vials. The supply pump dispenses cleaning fluid to the vial and the extraction pump removes it after cleaning. The pump displacement is infinitely adjustable so fluid dispense volumes can be precisely controlled. 


Rinsing probes and needles from within requires high-pressure generation due to the small needle diameters. Diener Silencer gear pumps generate up to 10 bar. The pumps start/stop with each cleaning, minimizing cycle times and increasing instrument throughput. Because they are magnetically coupled, there are no seals to leak, and the compact size allows mounting in very small spaces.


Advanced stator Silencer Series Pumps

Waste fluids (blood samples, reagents, buffers, water, etc…) are generally routed to a central waste container in the bottom of the IVD instrument. Diener gear pumps are preferred in this position because they are maintenance-free and have fully adjustable flow rates up to 4 liters/min. Diener’s flow-through design and large internal flow paths allow the pump to pass soft solids without plugging. Unlike centrifugal pumps, gear pumps are self-priming and can be located above the waste reservoir.


Diener gear pumps are also ideal for bulk fluid transfer, whether it be replenishing reagents and buffers or the simple transfer of DI water and/or solvents. The oversized gear bearings guarantee long maintenance free life with stable pulseless performance. The high differential pressure capability can overcome the pressure losses across filters, valves, fittings and long tubing lengths. The helical gears ensure quiet operation, and the magnetic coupling eliminates any chance of leaking. The pump is reversible so a single pump can be used when transferring fluids between reservoirs.

Pos-4_Silencer-Smart-2000-02 Micropompes à engrenages personnalisables



Customizable Dual Precision Series Metering Pumps



Selecting the correct OEM pump design is the first step toward creating a reliable and efficient device. Close collaboration with our engineers is a must to ensure the pump performs to expectation and is reliable over the life of the instrument. As part of our OEM product development, we test products to customer requirements before providing prototypes and fine-tuning the design features along the way.




Diener Precision Pumps.


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